GBackup LITE x GBackup PRO
GBackup Versão Lite
Usuário do GBackup
Usuário do GBackup Lite
Backup de sistemas do Windows
Lotus Notes
Proteção continua de dados
Delta em arquivo
Delta em arquivo
GBackup Versão Pro
Usuário do GBackup
Usuário do GBackup Lite
Microsoft Exchange Server
Microsoft SQL Server
MySQL Database Server
Oracle Database Server
Lotus Domino
Lotus Notes
Backup de sistemas do Windows
Backup de estado do sistema do Windows
Sistema Operacional
+ Windows platforms: [1, 2, 3]
XP Home / Professional
2003 Web / Standard / Enterprise / Data Center
Vista Home Basic / Home Premium / Business / Enterprise / Ultimate
7 Home Basic / Home Premium / Professional / Enterprise / Ultimate
8 Pro / Enterprise
8.1 Pro / Enterprise
10 Home / Pro / Enterprise
Server 2008 Standard / Enterprise / Datacenter
Server 2008 R2 Standard / Enterprise / Datacenter
Server 2012 Standard / Essentials / Datacenter
Server 2012 R2 Standard / Essentials / Datacenter
Server 2016 Standard / Essentials / Datacenter
Server 2019 Standard / Essentials / Datacenter
Small Business Server 2003 Standard / Essentials / Datacenter
Small Business Server 2008 Standard / Essentials / Datacenter
Small Business Server 2011 Standard / Essentials / Datacenter
+ Linux platforms: [5, 6, 7]
CentOS 7
CentOS 8
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Ubuntu 17.04
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Ubuntu 19.04
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
+ Unix platforms: [8, 9]
FreeBSD 9.0 / 9.1 / 9.2 / 10.0 [10, 11]
FreeBSD 10.1 [11]
FreeBSD 10.2 [11]
FreeBSD 10.3 [11]
FreeBSD 10.4 [11]
FreeBSD 11.1 [11]
FreeBSD 11.2 [11]
FreeBSD 11.3 [11]
FreeBSD 12 [11]
Solaris 10 x64
Solaris 11 Express x64
Solaris 11 x64
+ Mac OS X platforms:
Mac OS X 10.7.3 ou superior
Mac OS X 10.8
Mac OS X 10.9
Mac OS X 10.10
Mac OS X 10.11
Mac OS 10.12
Mac OS 10.13
Mac OS 10.14
Mac OS 10.15Sim
+ MS Windows System Backup Module:
Server 2008
Server 2008 R2
Server 2012
Server 2012 R2
Server 2016
Server 2019
Small Business Server 2008
Small Business Server 2011
+ Office 365:
Exchange Online
SharePoint Online
Lotus Domino / Notes: [19, 20]
Notes 8.5.x
Notes 9.0.x
Domino 8.5.x
Domino 9.0.x
+ MS Exchange:
Exchange Server 2007 Standard / Enterprise [14]
Exchange Server 2010 Standard / Enterprise [14]
Exchange Server 2013 Standard / Enterprise [14]
Exchange Server 2013 Standard / Enterprise [14]
Exchange Server 2016 Standard / Enterprise [14]
Exchange Server 2019 Standard / Enterprise [14]
SQL Server 2005 Standard / Express / Enterprise
SQL Server 2008 Standard / Express / Enterprise
SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard / Express / Enterprise
SQL Server 2012 Standard / Express / Enterprise
SQL Server 2014 Standard / Express / Enterprise
SQL Server 2016 Standard / Express / Enterprise
SQL Server 2017 Standard / Express / Enterprise [15]
SQL Server 2019 Standard / Express / Enterprise [15]
+ MS SharePoint:
SharePoint Server 2007 [16]
SharePoint Server 2010 [16]
+ Oracle: [17, 18]
Oracle Database 11g Release 2
Oracle Database 12c Release 1
+ MySQL:
MySQL 5.5.x Standard / Enterprise
MySQL 5.6.x Standard / Enterprise
MySQL 5.7.x Standard / Enterprise
MySQL 8 Standard / Enterprise
+ MS Virtualization Platforms: [21, 22]
Hyper-V Server 2008]
Hyper-V Server 2008 R2
Hyper-V Server 2012
Hyper-V Server 2012 R2
Hyper-V Server 2016
Hyper-V Server 2019
Hyper-V Server 2008 Stand-alone Server
Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 Stand-alone Server
Hyper-V Server 2012 Stand-alone Server
Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 Stand-alone Server
Hyper-V Server 2016 Stand-alone Server
Hyper-V Server 2019 Stand-alone Server
+ VMware Virtualization Platforms:
VMware Player 6.x [23]
VMware Player 7.x [23]
VMware Workstation 10.x [23]
VMware Workstation 11.x [23]
VMware Workstation 12.x [23]
VMware Workstation 14 [23]
VMware Workstation 15.x [23]
VMware Fusion 6.x
VMware Fusion 7.x
VMware Fusion 8.x
VMware Fusion 10.x
VMware Fusion 11.x
VMware ESXi Server 6.0 [24][25]
VMware ESXi Server 6.5 [24][25]
VMware ESXi Server 6.7 [25][26]
VMware ESXi Server 7.0 [25][27]
VMware vCenter Server 6 [24][25]
VMware vCenter Server 6.5 [24][25]
VMware vCenter Server 6.7 [25][26]
VMware vCenter Server 7.0 [25][27]
+ StorageCraft ShadowProtect: [27]
ShadowProtect 5.2.7 Desktop / Server
+ System State Backup Module:
Server 2008
Server 2008 R2
Server 2012
Server 2012 R2
Server 2016
Server 2019
Small Business Server 2008
Small Business Server 2011
Cloud Storage Service
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud Storage
Amazon S3
Amazon Drive
AWS Compatible Cloud Storage
Google Drive
Microsoft OneDrive
Microsoft OneDrive for Business
Backblaze B2
Cloud Storage Service
Amazon S3: [29]
US East (N. Virginia)
US East (Ohio)
US West (Northern California)
US West (Oregon)
Africa (Cape Town)
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)
Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local)
Asia Pacific (Seoul)
Asia Pacific (Singapore)
Asia Pacific (Sydney)
Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
Canada (Central)
China (Beijing)
China (Ningxia)
EU (Frankfurt)
EU (Ireland)
EU (London)
EU (Milan)
EU (Paris)
EU (Stockholm)
Middle East (Bahrain)
South America (Sao Paulo)
AWS GovCloud (US-East)
AWS GovCloud (US-West)
+Google Cloud Storage: [30]
Location Type:
North America-Northeast1 (Montreal)
South America-East1 (So Paulo)
US-Central1 (Iowa)
US-East1 (South Carolina)
US-East4 (Northern Virginia)
US-West1 (Oregon)
US-West2 (Los Angeles)
US-West3 (Salt Lake City)
Europe-North1 (Finland)
Europe-West1 (Belgium)
Europe-West2 (London)
Europe-West3 (Frankfurt)
Europe-West4 (Netherlands)
Europe-West6 (Zurich)
Asia-East1 (Taiwan)
Asia-East2 (Hong Kong)
Asia-Northeast1 (Tokyo)
Asia-Northeast2 (Osaka)
Asia-Northeast3 (Seoul)
Asia-South1 (Mumbai)
Asia-Southeast1 (Singapore)
Australia-Southeast1 (Sydney)
US (multiple regions in United States)
EU (multiple regions in European Union)
US (NAM4 (Iowa and South Carolina)
EUR4 (Netherlands and Finland)
+ Aliyun:
Hangzhou (oss-cn-hangzhou)
Shanghai (oss-cn-shanghai)
Qingdao (oss-cn-qingdao)
Beijing (oss-cn-beijing)
Zhangjiakou (oss-cn-zhangjiakou)
Huhehaote (oss-cn-huhehaote)
Huhehaote (oss-cn-huhehaote)
Heyuan (oss-cn-heyuan)
Chengdu (oss-cn-chengdu)
Hong Kong (oss-cn-hongkong)
US Sillicon Valley (oss-us-west-1)
US Virginia (oss-us-east-1)
Asia Pacific (Singapore) (oss-ap-southeast-1)
Asia Pacific (Sydney) (oss-ap-southeast-2)
Asia Pacific (Kuala Lumpur) (oss-ap-southeast-3)
Asia Pacific (Jakarta) (oss-ap-southeast-5)
Asia Pacific (Japan) (oss-ap-northeast-1)
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) (oss-ap-south-1)
EU (Frankfurt) (oss-eu-central-1)
London (oss-eu-west-1)
Middle East (Dubai) (oss-me-east-1)
+ Rackspace:
Chicago (ORD)